File modes: –

File modes: – A constructor ifstream and function open() are used to create files as well as open the existing files in the default text mode. In both method, only arguments used is the file name. C++ provides a mechanism of opening a file in different mode in which case the second parameter must be explicitly passed. There are number of modes. Used with ifstream constructor. Syntax of the constructor is –

                <Stream Object>.open(“File Name”,Mode);

File modes are as follows: –

Mode value

Effect on the mode

        i.            Ios::in          i.            Open for reading
      ii.            Ios::out        ii.            Open for writing
    iii.            Ios::ate       iii.            Seek to the end of file at opening time
     iv.            Ios::app      iv.            Append mode for writing file at the end of the file
       v.            Ios::trunc        v.            Truncate the file if file already the exist
     vi.            Ios::nocreate      vi.            Open fails if the file does not exit
   vii.            Ios::noreplace     vii.            Open fails if the file already exist
 viii.            Ios::binary   viii.            Open a file in binary mode